Research on Sexuality
Damian Jacob Sendler: My main research interests within sexuality are in forensic medicine, with a particular focus on unusual sexual behaviors. In recent years, I have been among a few scientists to explore highly controversial topics relating to sexual practices involving animals, pedophilia, and sadomasochism. While these topics can be challenging to study and often bring bad publicity, it is essential to approach these research investigations with great dignity and commitment.
One of the most significant challenges of conducting this type of research is having the ability to tell the story of the research subjects, while also respecting the societal views about controversial sexual topics. It’s never the right time to speak about these unusual sexual behaviors. So, it is essential to be open-minded when reviewing data on forensic medicine.
What Is Interesting About Zoophilia?
Damian Jacob Sendler: Studying zoophilia is interesting for several reasons, particularly when it comes to an understanding of how people can develop a love for non-human partners. There’s a lot of controversy surrounding sex with animals, and there are political and legal ramifications as well. However, as a scientist, I try to stay away from these political and social boundaries, as research should be independent of any private or public interest. My sole goal of studying people with unusual sexual behaviors has always been to understand their narrative and their perspective better.
I remember being personally attacked for this kind of research on many occasions. And that’s why I understand what it’s like to live in a niche of society and be misunderstood by the vast majority of the people. Zoophiles are people just like all of us, but with a different type of romantic agenda. I’ve got to know a number of those individuals over the years of research and have to tell that there is no real reasonable difference between them and everyone else when you first meet them. What is different about zoophiles that I find interesting is that they are committed to their sexual interests and their beliefs. They tend to be genuine about their interest in having a relationship with the animal, and they can be compelling and patient in rationalizing their sexual admiration toward animals.
As a research scholar, I respected their space and their interests, and I find it very important to be able to tell their narrative, as accurately as possible. Therefore, ongoing research seeks to do that through various approaches, including surveys and interviews.
Zoophilia is just one research topic investigated by DJS and it is worth reviewing what kind of toolbox helps study these phenomena.
Damian Jacob Sendler: When most people think about sadomasochism, what comes to their mind is movies like 50 Shades of Grey or some other popular cultural representations of kinky sexual behaviors. However, when I approach research into sexuality and kink. I am more interested in understanding the power dynamics within sadomasochistic relationships, and also elaborating on the application of consent within those behaviors. The reason why it is crucial to study consent in sadomasochism is that it is an exquisite model for understanding how perpetration of power occurs in relationships, especially those driven by sexual desire.
Nowadays, in the news, there is a lot of conversations about things like the #metoo movement and sexual abuse and the workforce. Understanding the boundaries of consent is vital from the legal standpoint to define which behaviors are appropriate and consensual versus those that are enforced on someone against their will. Sadomasochism is a sexual practice where there is a transparent exchange of power between at least two consenting partners. However, there is more knowledge to understanding the dynamics of those relationships than purely inflicting pain or restricting someone’s space.
Sadomasochism can be a lifestyle by which some people live, and it dictates their everyday living arrangements. When it comes to consent, in those relationships, especially in terms of what can be done sexually to one partner by the other one, it is primarily a valuable lesson in learning how people who enjoy a little bit more than regular vanilla in their sex life can live by enjoying themselves without intentionally hurting anyone.
Research Using Discussion Platforms
Damian Jacob Sendler : Studying unusual sexual behaviors has unique challenges. For one, it is challenging to find people who engage in those behaviors to come forward in public and talk about their interests with research scientists. When you try to study sadomasochism, there are more natural ways to integrate and find people who are in the community, however, in the case of behaviors like zoophilia or pedophilia. There are no public spaces where these individuals exist. Typically people who have those sexual interests live in seclusion and are hiding their desires so that no one can ever discover it. This is not to say that these people are in any way or shape mentally disabled or exhibiting dangerous behaviors toward others. My research has shown that people who are zoophiles are typically high school or college-educated and hold full-time employment. Therefore, it is evident that they do not want their identity to be associated with those types of behaviors, not just for social reasons but also for legal purposes.
One way of studying unusual sexual behaviors is to utilize online discussion forums, which have served as a Mecca for people to come together and talk about their unusual sexual interests. It’s sort of like the alcoholic’s anonymous meetings for people who abuse alcohol and feel that they need help and come together with like-minded individuals to find peace and support. The discussion forums are serving similar, but virtual, space to vent and seek understanding. These are public spaces that offer anonymity and allow multiple people to discuss topics that are on the minds of people who exhibit interest in unusual sexual behaviors. Therefore these platforms are fascinating to study because they offer that insight into what bothers people who engage in unusual sexual practices. What are the most common questions that they have, and you also learn about their lifestyle and how they function in society, given their unusual sexual interests.